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VVX 1500D - POLYCOM IP VIDEO PHONE[20 Oct. 2011, 7:31:10]
HargaUSD 1,175
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat


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The first business media phone that combines advanced telephony, one-touch video, and integrated business applications into a seamless, lifelike experience

* Make simple and fast ( one-touch) calls. Easy access to voice, video, and applications with a single touch
* Deliver a business-grade experience with one personalized device
* Access business information at-a-glance
* Increase remote collaboration, build relationships, and view body language
* Enable innovative third-party applications through highly customizable Polycom XML API
* Achieve faster decision making with the ability to integrate communications into business processes

Features and Benefits :

- Intuitive, color touch-screen interface for voice, video and applications
- Six-line, feature-rich phone with Polycom HD Voice�
- Instant, one-touch business-grade video conferencing right from the desktop
- Adjustable camera, base, and display to suit the environment and provide eye-level visual interactions
- Highly customizable applications platform with open Polycom XML API , integrated microbrowser and USB 2.0 for applications
- Bundled with productivity and personalization applications, including Polycom Productivity Suite, Polycom My Info Portal and Digital Photo Frame
- Deep IP PBX integration with a variety of Polycom Voice Interoperability Partners ( VIP)
- Integrated Gigabit Ethernet ( GigE) switch for bandwidth-intensive applications
- IEEE 802.3af powered at under 11W maximum for a " green" world
- Smart motion detection to enable the screen to go to power-save mode when no one is in the office

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Contact Us :

Email : marketing@
Tel : 021-56964145, 56167000
SMS : 0815-84670000

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