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83" , wide, 16: 9 Aspect, 1, 036 x 1, 842 x 117 mm

Create a new type of lesson

The elite Panaboard is an advanced educational tool that engages students' attention. It makes it easy to create effective, eye-catching teaching materials and promotes a style of
active, visual-based teaching and learning that makes the classroom fun for both teacher and students. By connecting a PC with Internet access and a projector, you can bring the
huge amount of information available on the Web or any information on your PC right into your classroom.

Panasonic and the elite Panaboard open the door to a new kind of active, visual-based education.


- Operate with a finger or the Electronic Pen -- Seamless " Drawing & Controlling"
All board operations can be performed with the touch of a finger, and your finger' s movement is relayed directly to the board surface for smooth, comfortable operation. Or you can use the handy Electronic Pen for writing characters and drawing lines. This enables seamless drawing and object operation.

- Slide Show -- For More Effective Presentations
You can use your PowerPoint® application right on the elite Panaboard, so you no longer have to operate a second PC separately. And by pressing the Remote Control button on the Electronic Pen, you can flip slideshow pages from a distance. You can also jot information onto slides, and save it in PowerPoint® as an image or text.

- Multifunctional Electronic Pen
You can use the Electronic Pen to switch between four marker colours and the eraser tool, and do things like remotely turn PowerPoint® pages.

- Ink Note -- Easily Save Information Written On Board
You can insert images and text into Microsoft® Word, Excel® , PowerPoint® using elite Panaboard Software.

- Multi Touch Operation -- Dynamic Image Control
Images can be easily moved, scaled and rotated with your fingers. This kind of free image manipulation will also keep audiences from getting bored.

- Simultaneuos Operation By Up to Three People - Livins Up Your Meetings
This makes discussions and brainstorming sessions more efficient and active than ever before.

- Durable Surface -- Highly Resistant to Harsh Conditions
The board surface is so hard that nothing short of a sharp knife can scratch it. It withstands splashes of coffee, milk, etc., and wipes clean with water or neutral detergent.
It also resists discoloration from direct sunlight.

- Adjust and Move to Match the Location -- Height Adjustment, Wall Mounting, Casters
The height adjustment function* makes the Panaboard easy for anyone to use, from children to adults. Wall mounting and casters* allow it to be set up in various places, for use in schools, offices, or just about anywhere.
* Optional stand is required.
* The optional stand comes in two types, the Normal Stand and the Height-Adjustable Stand. When using the Normal Stand, you can choose from four different height adjustments when setting up the stand. When using the Height-Adjustable Stand, you can freely adjust the height even after setting it up.

- Built-in Stereo Speakers -- Play Videos Complete With Sound
Built-in stereo speakers eliminate the need to add on external speakers. Videos with sound and the use of sound effects help to attract the participants' attention and make meetings more effective.

- Wireless Function* -- Easy Remote Control
With the optional Wireless Kit, there is no need for a cable to connect the computer and the board. This also allows more flexible office layouts

HargaRp. 25.750.000
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