ERGENE ER.879 High Temperature Grease 295Â ° C US.Products Merupakan Gemuk Pelumas berbahan dasar Lithium Complex bermutu tinggi. Dipakai pada bearing kendaraan berat seperti buldoser, bis, truk, ....
CV.Nurani Jaya Engineering Perusahaan Perdagangan Produk Khusus : - Mengoperasikan / Menjalankan, - Merawat, - Membersihkan, dan - Memperbaiki mesin dan alat-alat Industri, seperti : * ....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION/ DESKRIPSI SECOP THERMOSHIELD anti coorosive coating is a water based emulsion specially formulated for industrial maintenance applications. High durability, corrosion resistance, ....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION/ DESKRIPSI A fast drying chlorinated rubber paint for asphalt road, concrete and parking area Cat berbahan dasar karet klorin untuk permukaan aspal, beton, dan area parkir. â € ¢ ....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION / DESKRIPSI A heat resistant paint, based on silicon resin pigmented with alumunium Cat tahan panas berbahan dasar silicon resin berpigmen alumunium â € ¢ PRINCIPAL....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION / DESKRIPSI A heat resistant paint, based on silicon alkyd / acrylic resin Cat tahan panas berbahan dasar silicon resin â € ¢ PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS / KARAKTERISTIK UTAMA ....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION / DESKRIPSI A heat resistant paint, based on silicon alkyd / acrylic resin pigmented with alumunium Cat tahan panas berbahan dasar silicon resin berpigmen alumunium â € ¢ ....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION/ DESKRIPSI Two component aliphatic polyurethane containing photoluminescent pigmen Dual komponen aliphatic polyurethane mengandung pigmen fotoluminesen â € ¢ PRINCIPAL....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION/ DESKRIPSI Two components, epoxy polyamide primer Dual komponen epoxy polyaminide primer â € ¢ PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS/ KARATERISTIK UTAMA - Good adhesion properties - ....
SECOP COVER EP UNICOAT â € ¢ DESCRIPTION/ DESKRIPSI Two component surface tolerant high solids polyamine cured modified epoxy primer/ coating Dual komponen solid polyamine cured digabungkan dengan....
â € ¢ DESCRIPTION / DESKRIPSI Two components self leveling solvent free polyamine epoxy coating with excellent gloss and flexibility Dual komponen coating polyamine epoxy bebas pengencer, dengan....
ERGENE ER.878 Super Tackiness High Temperature Propietary Grease High Temperature Grease 265Â ° C US.Products Gemuk Lithium Complex Tahan Tekanan Ekstrim dengan Pengental Khusus yang diolah....
ERGENE ER.877 EP Lithium Grease High Pressure Grease US.Products Gemuk Pelumas serba guna berserat medium, berbahan dasar Lithium. Memberi perlindungan pada Bearing yang bekerja berat, tahan....
ERGENE ER.876 Centralized Distributing Grease US.Products Minyak gemuk semi cair untuk digunakan pada system sentral mesin weaving modern pabrik textile/ Plastik, worm atau spurgears. Dapat....
ERGENE ER.871 Non-Melt Grease US.Product Gemuk Pelumas yang tidak dapat mencair, berbahan dasar Modified clay dan mengandung additive Ep disertai additive anti karat.Mempunyai zat pencegah....
ERGENE ER.869 Silicone Grease US.Products Gemuk Silikon, dicampur dari minyak Silikon Sintetis bersama-sama dengan inhibitor korosi dan anti Oksidan untuk addiitives pelumas jangka panjang pada....