Hose Merk XINFLEX Material Rubber Flange ANSI PH 150 at both ends, one fixed and other swivel Size 4" , 6" , 8" Material Stainless steel Flange ANSI PH 150 at both ends, one fixed and other....
PT.Malindo Karya Lestari berdiri pada tanggal 14 September 2006, dengan tujuan menyediakan pelayanan units & parts berkualitas yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pabrik kelapa sawit. Perkembangan PT....
Parts & Unit Screw Press dan Digester a) Capasitas 10T : CB , Wang Yuen , Smart P9, US 12, MK III b) Capasitas 15T : CB, Wang Yuen, US, GS, EMI, MSB, Kien Seng, Laju P15, AP17, MKL P15 c) ....
Parts & Unit Sludge Centrifuge 1.Merk MK- 8 & MK â € “ 12 ( Casting Malaysia ) Caps. 8, 000 L/ H & 10, 000 -12, 000 L/ H 2.Merk CB Type SC6, 000 L/ H & CB SC8, 000 L/ H 3.Merk EMI Type 8, 000 L/ H & ....
PT.MALINDO KARYA LESTARI dapat melakukan balancing di pabrik tanpa pembongkaran dan pengirirman.Kami dapat melakukan balancing pada: 1.Sludge Centrifuge 2.ID FAN 3.Secondary FAN 4.Nut Transport....
Ripple Mill 6T Model MK 6T Capacity 6 Ton/ Hr Rotor Rod 19mm Quantity of Rotor Ro 38/ 42 pcs Geared Motor 15 Hp / 11 Kw Rotor Speed 1080 Rpm Ripple Mill 8T Model MK 8T Capacity....
Rotary Brush Strainer Model MK20RS Type Cylinder/ Conica Bottom Capacity 20m3/ Hr s/ d 30m3/ Hr Brush 8 nos Cylinder Perforation 1.0mm Material Stainless Steel Working Pressure 5kg/ cm3 max ....
Double Deck Empty Bunch Crusher Model : MK 22 DBC Capacity : 45-60MT/ Hr Motor : Elektrim 30Hp/ 380v/ 4 Pole Gearbox : SEW Type MC 3PLSF03 Drive : Ratio 1 : 60 Jersey : Pulley 103....